
"Ring bell, hard to tell/If anything is goin' to sell"

As someone who appreciates good marketing, I can't help but admire the creative team (the British Ten4 Design) behind this promo for Bob Dylan's new album. The irony of using a clip from a classic film (D.A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back) that portrayed Dylan as an iconoclast who wasn't "gonna work on Maggie's farm no more" is not lost on me. But this is so clever and the toy is so much fun that I can't be cynical about it. (Watch the original "Subterranean Homesick Blues" clip from Don't Look Back here)

The new album, the 3-CD Dylan: His Greatest Songs, will be released October 1st. Letting you know this and linking to the promo is exactly what the record marketing people want me to do, of course. And they know I will. That's why it's such good marketing. Go ahead. Enjoy!

Geesh, I'm such a shill for The Man.

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