
The Worktable Cometh

Well, the worktable will indeed be more than I expected -- considerably more -- but I gave the go-ahead. It's a long-term purchase and a crucial part of my studio. Having made the decision, this is the most excited I can remember ever feeling about furniture. I spent two days moving things around so that I can use the space to its best advantage with the new addition.

I was at BookWorks yesterday taking a class and met Bill, who's building the table. It was a happy surprise to find that he was in his shop on a Saturday working on it. And it was lucky that I was at BookWorks, because I realized that I'd set the table too high. It'll be 36 1/2" rather than 38." And the shelves originally planned to have 12" of storage space each, will now have 8" and 10", respectively. Bill said he's decided to construct it so that it can be taken apart. I think the 30" doorways the table will have to get through may have made him think twice.

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